
Showing posts from June, 2020


          In September 1999, Harland C. Stonecipher gave a speech that opened with a passage from Isaiah Chapter 8, verse 6, " Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”             He did so because he was preparing for a call to action. Today the words and spirit of Harland Stonecipher, the founder of LegalShield, will ring through my voice today.           Anyone that knows me knows that I love the United States of America. This country offers more freedom, more opportunity than any other country in the world!   This is a country that promises to offer each of us the ability to succeed and achieve as much as our desire and abilities will allow us.   The promise is for everyone. It is the United States Constitution.   The only limits in America ...


In my lifetime I have witnessed incredible progress for humanity.   The facts show a significant decrease in poverty and disease, with corresponding improvements in education, healthcare, human and civil rights.   But I’ve also seen us repeating the same mistakes over and over again. I remember Rodney King and the protests and riots that followed his beating by police.   I remember Michael Brown’s death at the hands of a policeman and the subsequent protests and riots. We now mourn George Floyd and we are in the middle of peaceful protests and riots. I’ve seen this play out on large and small stages: Anger, violence, some platitudes from “woke” CEOs and the same dribble from the same voices of the left and right. Here’s a question: How do we NOT return to ‘normal’? How do we NOT allow complacency to set in? In my life, I have done stupid things. I’ve crossed the line of proper judgement and of the law. I’ve been caught speeding and been caught by police. Every time I’...