#5MinutesStrong #RecruitRecruitRecruit

How to grow your business RIGHT NOW

1. Go back to the "not yets"
2. College Grads this month DON'T HAVE JOBS (yet)
3. Most people with jobs are not happy
4. Mr. Ken Moore built a huge organization at Job Fairs, Job Forums and Resume Workshops!
5. Reach out #MothersDay -- Empowered Mom's Movement
6. Leverage Michael Fedick Justin Peterson Kevin Mohler Alex Shahid to explode your Millennials
7. Reach out to the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce!
8. Put posters up in high traffic areas
9. Get business cards and flyers up at Starbucks
10. Get to know the Career Counselors at your local colleges and universities, and Guidance Counselors at local high schools
11. Others are laying people off! Get to know Outplacement Offices at Devon Energy or Intel or Sports Authority
12. Go to the local unemployment office and tell them you've got opportunities for their clients
13. Go to your "less active" team members and get new referrals. They keep living and meeting new people -- you need to meet them too!
14. Join Snapchat and broadcast your testimony -- #MyStory -- and recruit new teammates
15. Join Periscope and share your testimony on Twitter and recruit new teammates
16. In your emails, are you recruiting in your signature block
17. Welcome Wagon needs LegalShield and IDShield in every package -- recruit the #StayAtHome Mom & Dads!
18. When was the last time you held a briefing at your Church?
19. Ask everyone, "Do you want to be happier and more successful?"
20. Tell everyone "I was thinking of you. How are you?" And then just listen. Let them come to you.


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