The Cloud Part 3 -- Centralized Storage versus Distributed Storage

Do you ever wonder where your data goes when it is stored in the “cloud?” When it comes to online backup, many companies store all your data in one centralized place. While this approach is simpler for the company, and may make access quicker and easier for the customer, what if the centralized storage fails? If a server crashes, or a storage hard-drive dies, having all your files in one place means losing everything. This completely overrides the point of having a backup system in the first place. As we discussed in our last blog post, what if someone hacks into the data center? This has happened at Citibank, Sony, Amazon and Visa.

Digital Lifeboat uses automated distributed file storage – breaking your files into small fragments, replicating and encrypting them, and sending them out into the cloud to be stored in multiple locations. Think of it as putting your eggs in a few different baskets, or diversifying your stock portfolio. Case in point: if you only schedule a backup to your Western Digital hard-drive, and your house burns down – you lose that data. Or if you forget to schedule a backup, and your laptop hard-drive crashes, your files are gone. With our process, your data isn’t all in one place, and it’s always accessible to you.
Maybe you keep all your documents stored on Google Docs; all your photos stored on Picasa; 300mb of CRUCIAL data, stored on Google’s cloud; none of which are backed up anywhere else. Imagine Google unexpectedly deletes your account in error, or you receive a “network server error” (much like the Amazon outage) – where would you turn?

At Digital Lifeboat, we don’t keep all your eggs in one basket, which makes your data easily accessible to you, regardless of power outages and acts of nature. We understand the nature of backup systems and we keep your crucial data safe with our encryption and online file storage process.


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