People don't like Obama because he's just like Bush!

1. The majority of Americans (hereafter "we") wanted to exit Iraq because it was not clear what we were doing. It is still not clear and there is no certainty of exit.

2. We wanted to get out of Afghanistan, but we now have another Bush/McCain “surge" of 30,000 troops. Even Jon Stewart believes there is little difference between the two on National Security.

3. We did not trust President Bush because he had a very small inner circle of advisors. See

Barack Obama is even worse. Now there are calls for the ouster of Axelrod, Gibbs, Jarrett and Emanuel.

4. Related to #3, we all felt that Bush was a huge disappointment in NOT being bi-partisan. But Obama is even more partisan than Bush! When was the last time President Obama criticized Congress? Not the Republican Congress, but Congress in general? When was the last time he said he supported any Republican initiative?

5. George Bush ran up the National Debt unlike any Republican President before. On the day President Bush took office, the national debt stood at $5.727 trillion, and the day he left, it almost doubled to more than $10 trillion. In one year, President Obama has added more than $2 trillion more.

"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 75% of likely voters now say they are at least somewhat angry at the government’s current policies, up four points from late November and up nine points since September. The overall figures include 45% who are Very Angry, also a nine-point increase since September."

6. George Bush's economic policy was a simpleton version of Reagan's -- he cut taxes but did not cut government. As a consequence, government spending as a percent of GDP was about 20%, but tax receipts fell from 20% under Clinton (balance) to 18% under Bush. Eighty-three percent (83%) of Americans, in fact, say the size of the federal budget deficit is due more to the unwillingness of politicians to cut government spending than to the reluctance of taxpayers to pay more in taxes.

President Obama just submitted a budget at $3.8 trillion which is 25% of US GDP (forecast $14.7 trillion), and $1.8 trillion is funded by debt, meaning tax receipts are only 14%!
So here's my point, "Mr. President, we the people of the center, who voted for you, now implore you, please 1) get us out of these two wars; 2) lead from the heart and open up to more advisors and reach across the aisle and 3) get the national debt under control and attack the size of our government, and entitlement programs."


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