Did I have an impact at Microsoft's Xbox? Let the Annual Report decide!

Hey everybody! Here is a direct excerpt of Microsoft's annual report. Thought I should capture this for posterity.

Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operaitons

"Fiscal year 2008 compared to fiscal year 2007

EDD revenue increased primarily due to increased Xbox 360 platform sales. Xbox 360 platform and PC game revenue increased $1.7 billion or 41% as a result of increased Xbox 360 console sales, video game sales led by Halo 3, Xbox Live revenue, and Xbox 360 accessory sales. We shipped 8.7 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2008, compared with 6.6 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2007.

Fiscal year 2007 compared with fiscal year 2006

EDD revenue increased primarily due to increased Xbox 360 platform and Zune sales. We shipped 6.6 million Xbox 360 consoles during fiscal year 2007 as compared with 5.0 million consoles during fiscal year 2006. Xbox and PC game revenue increased $650 million or 19% as a result of increased Xbox 360 platform sales, partially offset by decreased sales of the first generation Xbox console and related accessories and video games.

__________________2008 2007 2006
Revenue_____________$8,140 $6,069 $4,732
Income(Loss)_________ $ 426 $(1,969) $(1,339)"

Very proud of these results. Proud to be part of this effort and success.


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