Stay Connected!

Here's an interesting tidbit...sign up on and you can receive a call three minutes before the end of an eBay auction. It's free! Now think of the implications of this for all commerce. When more retail services employ the market-based auction sytle of eBay and Syms Clothiers ("An educated consumer is our best customer"), then this type of notification will be common place. The connection between goods and services (favorite sports, play, movie and concert tickets) and your payment service (bank, Paypal) is key to liquidity and efficient markets.

And talk about linking entertainment with reality...Mtv is showing "a day in the life of a recent college grad on their new job," and then inviting viewers to apply for positions in that field on! What a genius idea. I have been working on branded entertainment for some time in the areas of autos and movies (google Jeff Bell Jeep Tomb Raider, or Jeff Bell Jeep Sahara, or Jeff Bell Chrysler Firewall), in the hope s of stimulating viewers into wanting to buy our products, but this is much better. It is more organic , and it is more real!


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